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A holiday to live in colour


What to see in Italy: Itinerary Reggio Calabria and Scilla

38 euro each people
Tours start at 08:30
End Tours 16:30
including entrance to the Ruffo Castle of Scilla and the National Archaeological Museum of Reggio Calabria and visit to the historic centre of Scilla.



Reggio, together with Naples and Taranto, is home to one of the most important archaeological museums dedicated to Magna Graecia, where the famous Riace Bronzes are kept, a rare example of Greek bronze sculpture that has become one of the symbols of the city. It is the first city in the region in terms of antiquity and despite its ancient foundation - it was an important and flourishing Magna Graecia colony - it has a modern urban layout, the result of the catastrophic earthquake that destroyed most of the town on 28 December 1908. Its urban system, constricted by the Strait of Messina and crowned behind by the last foothills of the Apennines, represents one of the region's main economic and service poles but also one of the highest concentrations of transport nodes and equipment and the region's natural logistical structure towards the southern coasts of the Mediterranean. The historic centre, mainly made up of Art Nouveau-style buildings, has a linear development along the Calabrian Strait coast with streets running parallel to the waterfront dotted with magnolias, palms and rare or exotic plants.

At 12:00 the visit continues in the direction of Scilla.
Once in Scilla, lunch break
At 14:00 the itinerary continues with a visit to the castle of Scilla.



An important tourist and seaside resort just north of Reggio, Scilla is one of the most beautiful and characteristic villages in Italy, a destination for artists of all ages and nationalities and a very popular summer destination. Scilla, the mythical nymph transformed into a monster by the sorceress Circe. A beautiful town perched on a cliff, it was already a lookout point in the 5th century BC. 

Here the tyrant of Reggio Anassila had built a defensive fortress in order to defend the raids and pillages that came from the sea by the pirates called Tirreni. From the castle there is a beautiful panorama that accompanies us from Aspromonte to Punta Milazzo in Sicily.
Seen the castle you can not help but visit Chianalea (Old fishing village) beautiful neighborhood built on the sea called the little Venice of Calabria.


End of the itinerary at 16:00
Included in the price :